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BT to Launch iPad Killer with Tablet Device!

BT intends to launch a touch screen tablet device to compete with Apple’s iPad by next year. The tablet device is not given any name yet. A brief description on BT’s tablet device is given in London at BT’s annual strategy day.

No specification and properties of the device is disclosed by the company. But analysts predict that its going to be larger than iPhone and smaller than an iPad in its size and will resemble to the O2 Joggler.

The device can be used as phone for answering and receiving calls, for text and voice messages and you can send video messages using it.

Ian Livingston CEO of BT said:

Some people have called it an ‘iPad killer’, but not us,” he said. “We see it as is a new device that would be in the kitchen or the lounge, so that you have all your communications in one place – your email, your voicemail, your text messages

BT touch screen device will also be used as a gaming device and will use apps just like Apple’s iPad. Ian Livingston, Cheif Executive BT futher added

You can even have little applications that will tell you the weather, or have a rolling stream of news. It’s for when you don’t want to have to turn on the computer to look something up. We’ve talked to a lot of customers about it – it’s not just something we’ve dreamed up. We’ve designed something around what the customers have said rather than around what technologists have said.

We have tablet computers as a latest trend in the tech market. No doubt we will see more news of new tablet computers from different companies. But is it going to compete with Apple which is right now the leader of the tablet market with it’s iPad. Surely what people want is always something different. Let us see what BT brings new with their unnamed tablet computer.


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