“This Fall”, those were the words of Mr. Jobs while announcing the availability of iOS 4 on iPad during the April 8th Event but that left everyone wondering as to when exactly does Apple plan to deliver the iOS 4 for iPad that boasts Multitasking, iAds and many other exciting features.
November may be it or so says a story by AppAdvice. The story basically pulls a hint out of an “interesting piece” that outlines the plans and experiences of the companies who have committed to board the iAds bandwagon.
The report reveals a nifty detail according to which Apple is showcasing the iPad as the most profitable platform for advertisers who want to board with iAds.
“Apple is telling marketers that the device considered most promising for advertisers — the iPad — won’t be on the iAd platform until November.”
This shouldn’t be surprising as iPad has already proven to be a success when it comes to content showcasing – hail to all the magazine apps and for advertisers, iAds will do the magic.
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