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WireFly Selling HTC Evo 4G on Facebook at Special Price

Now this is interesting. WireFly has secured a handful of HTC Evo 4G handsets and is offering them for purchase on Facebook. Can you believe it?

In times like these where HTC Evo 4G is hard to get hold of, WireFly have gotten themselves in a sweet spot. And what’s more they are promoting their Facebook page through it since you can only get yourself the hot looking HTC Evo 4G provided you have liked their Facebook Page. To put icing on the cake,the smartphone is being offered at a special or should I say reduced price.

Here is how the scheme will work:

  • Sometime tomorrow, Wirefly will announce the launch of the HTC EVO 4G sale on Facebook.
  • Wirefly will publish a link to purchase the Evo on the “Friends Only” tab of its Facebook page.
  • Non-fans will not will be able view or access the link.
  • Those not familiar with Facebook: To become a ‘fan’ of Wirefly, go to and click on the ‘LIKE’ button at the top of the page.

Reminder: The EVO will not be available on To access this limited-time offer, you must “Like” Wirefly’s Facebook page

[via BGR]


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